
Writers: You’re Doing it Wrong.

If you have not read Chuck Wendig’s TerribleMinds post this morning (or any of his blog posts) do it now!  Today’s post made my day in more ways than I can possibly say. Yes, yes I am a hopeless TerribleMinds fangirl, but this was just what I needed to read this morning as I waited […]

Lies They Taught Me in Theater School

A friend of mine posted this link this morning and I nearly fell out of my chair laughing… and crying. I imagine there is probably some of the same disillusionment happening with graduate writers as well! Just thought I would share, for any fellow recovering theater geeks out there. Happy Friday!!

I’m Turning all Elphaba Over This Buisness

So I FINALLY had a vacation over the holidays (it’s been since last march since I really had a break from work because I took time off for the wedding. Which, lets face it was no relaxing break!) I was giddy with excitement at the prospect of the five upcoming days I had completely to […]

A Few of My Favorite (Halloween) Things

Happy Halloween Dear Reader! This is my favorite holiday of the year, and here are a few (in no particular order) of my spooky/silly favorites!! Enjoy! 1.) The Ghost and Mr. Chicken (Film) I first saw this movie on TV when I was a kid, I’m not quite sure what it is about it but […]

Even Among Misfits We’re Misfits!

I will admit  it is a little strange that geek culture is all of a sudden ironically “cool”  but then things like Hollywood producers allowing the filming of Sci-Fi and Fantasy films on larger budgets happen, and comic book stores are staying afloat so I can’t really complain. However, I do understand why some get […]

Is D&D the Purist Form of Collective Storytelling Today?

I feel as if I can officially wave my Geek flag high in the air because I have FINALLY crossed Dungeons and Dragons off of my to do list. I know, I can’t believe it took me this long but I finally sat down with some wonderful people and played my very first D&D game. […]

A Gal After My Own Heart: How Gardening Made Me a Better Writer

Gardening has always been a dominant pastime of mine, I think it began with my Mother, who picked it up from her mother and so on. I can remember spending hours and hours watching my mom dig in the dirt in the summer time, tossing out little tidbits of information along the way. “This one […]

Foot In Mouth: Hold on to Your Stories Until They’re Ready

I have hit another writing roadblock friends, this one due to a mysterious phenomenon called “Sometimes its better to shut the fu*k up.” *note* I of course call these happenings phenomena because it’s significantly more fun, and quite a bit simpler to say the word “phenomena” than “the rookie mistakes of an an insecure writer.” […]

My Feelings On Today.

And also this: Enjoy. Memes make everything better 😀


(Please note: I am quoting South Park… they were racist first.) I think by far the most difficult challenge I have come across is fighting to get my AIC (Ass In Chair, to the layman.) Why exactly is it that it is so freakin’ hard about just sitting down and clacking away at the keyboard?! […]

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Award-winning, dream-protecting author

The Wordsmith

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Esther Chilton

Writer, Tutor and Editor

Musings of an ÜberNerd

Starving artist, ice cream fiend, amateur writer, rock music loving horror movie fanatic, hopeless romantic, golden–hearted dreamer with Martha Stewart tendencies.

Lisen Minetti

A Work in Progress

A Writer's Path

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Words on a blackboard

In a world of poems, words steal love and put it on a blackboard

What The Efff

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If Monsters Don't Exist, Why Are They Out To Get Me?

et geekera

Everything geek.

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